Need More Information

Why We Need to Emotionally Connect with Customers in Sales

What do you do when you meet a customer who is interested in your product or service, but just can’t seem to make the decision to buy? Maybe they are looking for more information, or they want to know the reasons behind your product’s features. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to understand that people buy emotionally and justify logically. As a salesperson, you need to connect with your customers on an emotional level in order to close the deal.

What does it mean to connect with a customer emotionally? It means that you need to understand their wants, needs, and desires. You need to understand what drives them, what motivates them, and what makes them happy. By understanding these things, you can tailor your sales pitch to appeal to their emotions.

How can you emotionally connect with your customers? Here are a few tips:

  1. Listen to them: When a customer tells you what they want, listen carefully. Ask questions to get a better understanding of their needs and desires.
  2. Tell a story: Use stories to appeal to your customer’s emotions. For example, you can tell a story about how your product or service helped someone else achieve their goals.
  3. Use positive language: Use positive language to create a positive emotional connection with your customer. Instead of saying “you won’t regret buying this product,” say “you’ll love the benefits of this product.”
  4. Be authentic: Customers can tell when you’re not being genuine. Be yourself, and let your personality shine through.
  5. Show empathy: Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and show empathy. Let them know that you understand their situation and that you’re there to help.

By emotionally connecting with your customers, you can help them justify their decision to buy. They will feel good about their purchase and will be more likely to recommend your product or service to others.

What if you can’t emotionally connect with a customer? Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you just can’t seem to connect with a customer on an emotional level. In these cases, it’s important to remember that not every customer is a good fit for your product or service. Don’t force a sale if it’s not a good fit. Instead, focus on finding customers who are a good fit for what you have to offer.

In summary, emotional connections are key in sales. People buy emotionally and justify logically, so it’s important to understand your customers on an emotional level. By listening to them, telling stories, using positive language, being authentic, and showing empathy, you can create a positive emotional connection with your customers. And when you emotionally connect with customers, they will be more likely to make a purchase and recommend your product or service to others.

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No Budget

Why There Is Always Money for the Things You Want and Must Do

When it comes to achieving our goals, the lack of funds can be a significant obstacle to overcome. However, entrepreneur and author Dan Lok has a different perspective on the issue. In a video, he discusses why there is always money for the things that we want and must do, even if we think we don’t have a budget.


The idea that there is always money for the things we want and must do may seem counterintuitive, but Lok argues that it’s a mindset that can help people achieve their goals. He suggests that if you truly want to accomplish something, you will find a way to make it happen, regardless of financial limitations.

Lok shares some best practices for dealing with prospects who claim to have no budget. He advises not to waste time on people who are “cheap” and instead work with quality individuals. He also recommends approaching the conversation from a position of authority, like a doctor prescribing medicine to a patient, to help clients avoid losing out by not buying.


Lok’s approach is not about disregarding financial constraints entirely. Instead, it is about recognizing that we often have more control over our finances than we realize. By changing our mindset and taking a proactive approach, we can find ways to fund the things we want to accomplish.

One way to do this is to think creatively about funding sources. For example, instead of seeking external funding, consider ways to cut costs, such as negotiating better deals with suppliers or reducing overheads. Alternatively, look for ways to generate additional revenue streams, such as by monetizing a blog or starting a side business.

Another option is to look for results for free. There are many tools and resources available that can help people achieve their goals without spending a lot of money. For example, free courses, online tutorials, and mentorship programs can provide valuable knowledge and insights.

What If

One potential downside of Lok’s approach is that it may encourage people to overspend and take unnecessary financial risks. It is essential to balance the desire to achieve goals with responsible financial management.

Additionally, some people may argue that there are situations where there really is no money available, such as during a recession or when dealing with significant medical bills. While it is true that some situations are more challenging than others, Lok’s point is that the mindset of “there is always a way” can help people overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.


Overall, Lok’s message is one of empowerment and resourcefulness. By adopting the mindset that there is always money available for the things we want and must do, we can find creative solutions to our financial challenges. Rather than focusing on what we lack, we can focus on what we can do to achieve our goals.

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Need To Run It By Someone Else

Why External Validation is Important for Your Business

Do you feel like you’re constantly trying to convince potential clients to buy your product or service? You may be missing a crucial aspect of the sales process: external validation.

In a recent video, a business coach talks about the importance of external validation and how to handle situations where potential clients need more proof that your offering is the right choice for them. Here’s what you need to know:

What is External Validation?

External validation refers to the need for people to receive approval or validation from outside sources, such as friends, family, or even strangers. This is especially common when it comes to making decisions about purchasing a product or service.

In the video, the coach explains that external validation is important because it gives potential clients the reassurance they need to make a decision. Testimonials and social proof, such as reviews or ratings, are examples of external validation that can help convince potential clients to buy.

How to Handle External Validation Requests

So, what should you do when potential clients express the need for more external validation? The coach recommends asking who else needs to be involved in the conversation. For example, if the potential client mentions needing to run the decision by their partner, invite the partner to the conversation.

By including all decision-makers in the conversation, you can provide the necessary information and external validation to make them feel comfortable and confident in their decision.

What If You Don’t Have External Validation?

But what if you’re just starting out and don’t have any external validation to provide? The coach suggests creating case studies or reaching out to past clients to ask for testimonials. Another option is to offer a money-back guarantee to give potential clients the assurance they need to take the plunge.


External validation is an important aspect of the sales process that can help convince potential clients to buy your product or service. By understanding the need for external validation and including all decision-makers in the conversation, you can provide the reassurance and confidence necessary to close the deal. And if you’re just starting out, creating case studies or offering a money-back guarantee can help build the external validation you need to grow your business.

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Need To Think About It

Why “I Need to Think About It” is Not an Objection, But a Belief

If you are in sales, you’ve heard it before. You’ve given your best pitch, talked about the features and benefits, and then your potential client says those dreaded words, “I need to think about it.” But what if I told you that “I need to think about it” isn’t an objection but a belief? In this blog post, we will explore why this is true, and how to help your potential clients see that they don’t need to think about it but can make a decision right now.

What is the Belief Behind “I Need to Think About It”?

When a potential client says “I need to think about it,” it’s not just an objection; it’s a belief. They believe that they need to think about it. They think that they need more time to decide. The psychology behind this is that they think it’s the right thing to do. But is it true? Do they really need to think about it? The answer is no. In sales, objections are just beliefs that need to be changed, and “I need to think about it” is no different.

How to Change the Belief

To change the belief behind “I need to think about it,” you need to ask the right questions. Start by asking “Is that really true?” This will get your potential client to question their belief and see that they may not need to think about it. Another question to ask is, “What do you need to think about?” This question will help your potential client identify what they are unsure of, and then you can help them see that they don’t need to think about it. By asking these questions, you are not only changing their belief, but you are also showing them that you care about their decision-making process.

Using a Beautiful Mindset

Another way to help your potential client see that they don’t need to think about it is by using a beautiful mindset. Imagine you are a beautiful woman in a bar, and everyone is hitting on you. You are getting all sorts of attention, but you politely decline. This is the frame of reference you want to use. By having a beautiful mindset, you are confident and sure of yourself, and your potential client will be more likely to trust you and your product.

What If?

What if you can’t change their belief? What if they still need to think about it? The truth is, some people will always need to think about it, and that’s okay. As a salesperson, your job is not to force someone to buy something they don’t want or need. Your job is to help them see that they don’t need to think about it and to provide them with the information they need to make an informed decision.

In Summary

“I need to think about it” is not an objection but a belief. To help your potential clients see that they don’t need to think about it, you need to ask the right questions, and use a beautiful mindset. By doing so, you are not only changing their belief, but you are also building a relationship of trust and respect. Remember, your job is not to force someone to buy something they don’t want or need, but to help them make an informed decision.

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Price is Too High

Why Objections are the Key to Persuasion and How to Handle the “Price is too High” Objection

Have you ever tried to sell a product or service, but faced resistance from potential customers who claim that “the price is too high”? If so, you’re not alone. This is the most common objection that salespeople hear. But did you know that there are only nine types of objections that people can use to say “no” to you? And once you learn how to handle these objections, you can take your business to the next level.

What are Objections and Why are They Important?

Objections are the reasons why potential customers say “no” to your offer. They are the reflexes that people have when they are asked to part with their hard-earned money. But objections are also the key to persuasion. If you can handle objections effectively, you can persuade people to take action, whether it’s to buy your product, use your service, or join your cause.

Objections are also a sign that people are interested in what you have to offer. If someone doesn’t care about what you’re selling, they won’t bother objecting. But if they object, it means they are considering your offer, and they need more information or reassurance before they make a decision.

What is the “Price is too High” Objection and How to Handle it?

The “Price is too High” objection is the most common objection that salespeople face. It’s a reflex that people have when they are asked to spend money. But price is also an abstract concept. What does $1,000 mean to you? What about $10,000? The value of money is relative, and people need to feel that they are getting value for their money.

So how do you handle the “Price is too High” objection? Here are some tips:

Focus on the Value

Instead of defending the price of your product or service, focus on the value that it provides. What problem does your product or service solve? How does it improve people’s lives or businesses? What are the benefits of using your product or service? If you can show people that the value they will receive is greater than the price they will pay, they will be more likely to buy from you.

Address the Real Objection

Sometimes, when people say “the price is too high,” they are really saying something else. They may be concerned about the quality of your product or service, or they may not trust you or your company. So instead of arguing about the price, try to uncover the real objection. Ask questions like, “What specifically do you think is too expensive?” or “What are your concerns about our product or service?” Once you know the real objection, you can address it directly.

Offer Alternatives

If someone truly cannot afford your product or service, offer them alternatives that are more affordable. Maybe you have a lower-priced version of your product or service, or you can offer a payment plan. By offering alternatives, you show that you are willing to work with them and that you care about their needs.

What If You Can’t Handle Objections?

If you can’t handle objections effectively, you will struggle to persuade people to take action. You may lose sales, or you may fail to grow your business. But the good news is that objections are a skill that can be learned. By studying the nine types of objections and practicing your responses, you can become more confident and effective at handling objections.


Objections are the reasons why potential customers say “no” to your offer, but they are also the key to persuasion. There are only nine types of objections that people can use to say “no” to you, and once you learn how to

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Tribal Curse Stories

Why Your Tribal Curse Story Is Holding You Back From Success

What is a tribal curse story? It is a belief shared by an entire tribe or group of people that holds them back from achieving success in a particular area of life. In this final video of his 12-day series, the speaker explains how these stories are formed and how they can be overcome.

What is a Tribe?

The speaker explains that a tribe is a collection of people who share commonalities, such as culture, religion, interests, or friendships. It could be a group of business people, Indians, Pakistanis, Muslims, Christians, men, women, or any other group of people who spend time together. A tribal curse story is something that the entire group believes in, and it affects the way they see themselves and the world around them.

What is a Tribal Curse Story?

Tribal curse stories are beliefs that hold a group of people back from achieving their full potential. For example, the speaker notes that many people from India believe they cannot succeed in business because they do not know English. This belief is a tribal curse story because it is shared by the entire group, and it affects the way they approach business opportunities.

Another example of a tribal curse story is the belief that you need a lot of education to succeed in business. While education is undoubtedly beneficial, it is not the only way to succeed. Many successful entrepreneurs did not have a formal education and learned the skills they needed through experience and mentorship.

How to Overcome Tribal Curse Stories?

The first step to overcoming a tribal curse story is to identify it. Once you recognize the belief that is holding you back, you can start to challenge it. The speaker notes that many of these stories are based on false premises, such as the belief that you need to know English to succeed in business.

The second step is to seek out alternative beliefs that are more empowering. For example, instead of believing that you cannot succeed in business without a lot of education, you could believe that you can learn the skills you need through experience and mentorship. Instead of seeing yourself as too young or too old to achieve your goals, you could believe that age is just a number, and success is possible at any age.

What If You Don’t Overcome Your Tribal Curse Story?

If you do not overcome your tribal curse story, you will continue to hold yourself back from achieving your full potential. You may miss out on opportunities that could have been yours if you had a more empowering belief system. By challenging your limiting beliefs and replacing them with more empowering ones, you can unlock your full potential and achieve the success you desire.


Tribal curse stories are beliefs that hold a group of people back from achieving their full potential. They are based on false premises and are shared by the entire group. To overcome these stories, you must identify them and challenge them with more empowering beliefs. If you do not overcome your tribal curse story, you will continue to hold yourself back from success. So, challenge your limiting beliefs and unlock your full potential today.

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I am Not Worthy Enough

Why You Should Cultivate a Blessing Story and How to Do It

Have you ever had the feeling that you are not worthy enough? That you are not capable of achieving your dreams? That you are an unlucky person? If so, you may have a curse story, a story that is pulling you backward and keeping you in a lower destiny. But what if you could change this story into a blessing story, a story that will help you move forward and claim your highest destiny? In this blog, we will explore why cultivating a blessing story is important and how you can do it.

What is a Curse Story?

A curse story is a story that you believe, consciously or unconsciously, that limits you and holds you back. It could be a story that someone sold to you, like your dad or a teacher who made you feel unworthy. Or it could be a story that you created based on past experiences or beliefs. Whatever the source, a curse story keeps you in a lower destiny and prevents you from living your best life.

Why is a Blessing Story Important?

A blessing story, on the other hand, is a story that empowers you and helps you move forward. It is a story that you consciously choose to believe and that aligns with your values and goals. When you have a blessing story, you feel confident, capable, and worthy of achieving your dreams. You are not held back by limiting beliefs or negative self-talk.

How to Change Your Curse Story to a Blessing Story

To change your curse story to a blessing story, you need to change three elements of your story: its meaning, emotion, and context.

  1. Change the Meaning: The first step is to change the meaning of your curse story. Instead of seeing it as a limitation, see it as a learning opportunity. For example, if you have a story that you are not worthy enough, you can choose to see it as an opportunity to cultivate humility. This will help you connect with others and become a better human.
  2. Change the Emotion: The second step is to change the emotion associated with your curse story. Instead of feeling shame, guilt, or fear, feel gratitude, compassion, or love. For example, if you have a story that you are an unlucky person, you can choose to feel gratitude for the things that you do have in your life.
  3. Change the Context: The third step is to change the context of your curse story. Instead of seeing it as a fixed reality, see it as a flexible narrative. For example, if you have a story that you cannot study, you can choose to see it as a temporary challenge that you can overcome with persistence and effort.

What If You Don’t Change Your Curse Story?

If you don’t change your curse story, you will continue to be held back by limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. You will not be able to achieve your full potential or live your best life. You will be stuck in a lower destiny, wondering why you are not worthy of more.


In conclusion, cultivating a blessing story is important because it empowers you and helps you move forward. To change your curse story to a blessing story, you need to change its meaning, emotion, and context. If you don’t change your curse story, you will continue to be held back by limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. So, choose to believe in a story that aligns with your values and goals, and live your best life.

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I Have Bad Karma from My Past Life

Why You Don’t Have Bad Karma from Your Past Life

Have you ever felt like your life is not in your control? That the reason you’re not succeeding is because of bad karma from your past life? If you have, then you’re not alone. Many people all over the world believe in the concept of karma, which is often linked to reincarnation. However, is it really true that you have bad karma from your past life?

What is Karma?

Before we dive into the concept of past life karma, let’s define what karma means. Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action. It refers to the idea that every action has a consequence, and that what you do in this life will affect your future. Karma is often used in the context of reincarnation, where it is believed that the actions of your past life will determine your circumstances in your next life.

What is Past Life Karma?

Past life karma refers to the belief that your current life is affected by the actions of your past life. This belief is common in many religions and cultures, including Buddhism and Hinduism. The idea is that the negative actions of your past life will result in negative consequences in your current life, and the positive actions of your past life will result in positive consequences in your current life.

Why You Don’t Have Bad Karma from Your Past Life

The concept of past life karma can be disempowering because it suggests that your current circumstances are beyond your control. You may feel like your life is predetermined and that you cannot change your fate. However, this is not necessarily true.

Firstly, not everyone believes in past life karma. It is a concept that is open to interpretation and is not universally accepted. Even if you do believe in past life karma, it is important to note that you are not the same person you were in your past life. You are a new person with a new set of circumstances, experiences, and choices.

Secondly, the actions of your past life do not directly determine your current circumstances. It is the energy and conditioning that you have adopted from your past that influences your current life. You may have inherited certain patterns and tendencies from your family, which affect your behavior and choices. However, you have the power to break these patterns and make different choices.

Thirdly, the concept of intergenerational grace suggests that you can inherit positive energy and blessings from your ancestors. Just as you can inherit negative energy and patterns, you can also inherit positive energy and patterns. It is up to you to choose which energy and patterns you want to adopt and carry forward.

How to Break Negative Patterns

If you feel like you are stuck in negative patterns and want to break free, there are several steps you can take.

Firstly, become aware of your patterns. Notice the recurring themes in your life, such as relationships, career, and health. What patterns do you see?

Secondly, identify the source of these patterns. Are they inherited from your family or influenced by past experiences?

Thirdly, challenge these patterns. Ask yourself if they serve you and if they align with your values and goals.

Finally, make conscious choices to break these patterns. Choose new behaviors and habits that align with your values and goals.

What If You Do Believe in Past Life Karma?

If you do believe in past life karma, it is important to remember that you are not powerless. You have the power to create your own destiny and break negative patterns. You can use past life regression therapy to explore your past lives and gain insights into your current life. You can also perform karmic cleansing rituals to release negative energy and patterns.


The concept of past life karma can be disempowering because it suggests that your current circumstances are beyond your control

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Curse Story: I am Unlucky from Birth

Why Limiting Beliefs Are Holding You Back from Achieving Success

As human beings, we are programmed to seek safety and avoid danger. Our brains are wired to remember negative experiences more vividly than positive ones, which has contributed to the development of limiting beliefs. These beliefs are stories that we tell ourselves about our abilities and the world around us, and they often hold us back from reaching our full potential.

In the above transcript, we hear a person sharing a core limiting story that has been holding them back from success. They were born on Friday the 13th, and they have been unlucky all their life. This belief has become a part of their identity, and it is limiting their ability to see the opportunities that are available to them.

What Are Limiting Beliefs?

Limiting beliefs are the stories that we tell ourselves about our abilities and the world around us. These beliefs are formed based on our past experiences, upbringing, and cultural conditioning. They can be positive or negative, but the negative beliefs are the ones that hold us back from achieving our goals.

Limiting beliefs can manifest in different areas of our lives, such as career, relationships, and personal growth. For example, a person who grew up in poverty may believe that they are not capable of achieving financial success. This belief may hold them back from pursuing a career that could lead to financial stability.

How Do Limiting Beliefs Hold Us Back?

Limiting beliefs hold us back by creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. When we believe that we are not capable of achieving something, we do not even try. This lack of effort reinforces our belief that we are not capable, and we end up stuck in a cycle of self-doubt.

Limiting beliefs also create a negative mindset that prevents us from seeing opportunities. When we believe that the world is against us, we are less likely to take risks and try new things. This mindset limits our potential and prevents us from experiencing growth and success.

What If We Let Go of Our Limiting Beliefs?

If we let go of our limiting beliefs, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities. By challenging our negative beliefs, we can reframe our mindset and start seeing opportunities. We can start taking risks and trying new things, which can lead to growth and success.

To let go of our limiting beliefs, we need to start by identifying them. We need to become aware of the stories that we tell ourselves and challenge them. We can do this by asking ourselves questions like, “Is this belief based on fact or opinion?” and “What evidence do I have that this belief is true?”

Once we have identified our limiting beliefs, we can start reframing them. We can start telling ourselves positive stories that empower us and reinforce our capabilities. For example, instead of saying, “I am not capable of achieving financial success,” we can say, “I have the skills and abilities to achieve financial success.”


Limiting beliefs are the stories that we tell ourselves about our abilities and the world around us. These beliefs are formed based on our past experiences, upbringing, and cultural conditioning. They hold us back by creating a self-fulfilling prophecy and a negative mindset that prevents us from seeing opportunities. By letting go of our limiting beliefs, we can reframe our mindset and start seeing opportunities. We can start telling ourselves positive stories that empower us and reinforce our capabilities. Letting go of our limiting beliefs is the first step towards achieving success and realizing our full potential.

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Why You Shouldn’t Let a Cursed Story Hold You Back

Everyone has experienced betrayal at some point in their lives, whether it’s a business partner who cheated on you, a friend who lied, or a romantic partner who broke your heart. These experiences can create what Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, calls a cursed story. A cursed story is a story that holds you back and keeps you from moving forward in life because it’s based on a negative experience that you can’t let go of.

What is a Cursed Story?

A cursed story is a story that you tell yourself about a negative experience that you’ve had in the past. It’s a story that you believe to be true, and it keeps you from moving forward in life because it creates limiting beliefs that prevent you from taking action. The cursed story is like a weight that you carry around with you, holding you back from living your best life.

How Does a Cursed Story Work?

According to Vishen Lakhiani, your brain is like a computer database that understands pain and pleasure. Pain is represented by zero, and pleasure is represented by one. Your brain transforms sensations of intensity into pain and pleasure. Emotions are just labels that we give to these sensations. When you experience a negative emotion like anger or sadness, your brain is interpreting the sensation as pain. When you experience a positive emotion like happiness or excitement, your brain is interpreting the sensation as pleasure.

When you experience a negative experience like betrayal, your brain creates a schema of that experience that is represented as a story. The story becomes a part of your connectome, which is a scientific term that refers to the entire neural network in your brain. Your brain assigns meaning to the experience based on the story, and that meaning becomes a belief that you hold about yourself.

What if You Let a Cursed Story Hold You Back?

If you let a cursed story hold you back, you’ll never be able to move forward in life. The story will create limiting beliefs that prevent you from taking action and achieving your goals. You’ll be stuck in a negative cycle of self-doubt and fear, and you’ll never be able to break free from it.

The story that Vishen Lakhiani shared about his business partner who cheated on him is an excellent example of a cursed story. For years, Vishen allowed the story to hold him back, and he felt defeated by life. It wasn’t until he realized that he didn’t have to let go of his dream just because someone had taken advantage of him that he was able to move forward and create the life that he wanted.


A cursed story is a story that holds you back and keeps you from moving forward in life because it’s based on a negative experience that you can’t let go of. Your brain creates a schema of the experience that is represented as a story, and that story becomes a part of your connectome. The story creates limiting beliefs that prevent you from taking action and achieving your goals. The only way to break free from a cursed story is to let go of the negative experience and create a new story that empowers you. Don’t let a cursed story hold you back. Create a new story that inspires you to take action and achieve your goals.

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