How to Breakthrough Procrastination?

Why You Are Not Going to Get Less Busy – The Importance of Taking Action Now

Have you ever found yourself saying, “I’ll start tomorrow,” “I’ll do it later,” or “I don’t have time right now”? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us have postponed tasks, projects, and goals, thinking that we’ll have more time in the future. However, according to Ruble Chandy, the best-selling author of “90 Days to Life” and the creator of Accelerator Business Seminars, this mindset can be detrimental to our success and well-being.

In this video, Ruble talks about a fascinating topic: “You are not going to get less busy.” He explains that if we don’t take action now, we will not only miss out on opportunities but also have a shorter life and business. Ruble’s message is simple yet profound: “If you want to do something in life, if you want to take your business to the next level, if you want to invest in marketing, if you want to learn how to sell, if you want to operate a business, this is the time. It’s not tomorrow.”


Ruble emphasizes that time is not on our side. We are not going to get less busy as time goes by. In fact, we will only get busier. Ruble encourages his audience to think about one thing in their life, business, or relationship that they have been postponing for a long time. He urges them to take tiny actions to work towards their goals and improve their lives.


The reason why we are not going to get less busy is that our lives are becoming more complex, and we have more responsibilities and commitments. We may have had more time and freedom in the past, but as we move forward, our time and energy become limited. If we keep postponing tasks, we will never get to them, and we will miss out on opportunities for growth and success.


To overcome the tendency to procrastinate and postpone tasks, Ruble suggests taking tiny actions that will lead to significant results. Instead of setting lofty goals and overwhelming ourselves, we should focus on small steps that we can take every day to make progress towards our goals. For example, instead of planning to work out for an hour every day, we can start by going for a nine-minute walk every day and gradually increase the time.

What If:

What if we continue to postpone tasks and goals? What if we never take action and miss out on opportunities for growth and success? Ruble warns that if we don’t pay attention to the concept of “you are not going to get less busy,” we may have a slim chance of growing our business or achieving our dreams. We may also regret not spending more time with our loved ones, taking care of our health, or pursuing our passions.


Ruble Chandy’s message is clear: we are not going to get less busy, and if we want to do something, we should do it now. He encourages his audience to take tiny actions towards their goals and not to postpone tasks. His message is a reminder that time is precious, and we should make the most of it. By taking action now, we can achieve our dreams, grow our business, and improve our lives.

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Is Your Past Failure a Future Curse?

Why Your Past Should Not Determine Your Future: Insights from Ruble Chandy

Do you ever feel like your past is holding you back from achieving your goals and creating the future you desire? Perhaps you have experienced failure, rejection, or setbacks that have left you feeling defeated and uncertain about your future. If so, you are not alone. Many people struggle with moving forward because they are still living in the past.

In this blog post, we will explore the insights of Ruble Chandy, a best-selling author and business coach who shares his perspective on why your past should not determine your future. We will delve into the What, How, What If, and Summary of his message to help you gain a better understanding of how to overcome the limitations of your past and create the life you desire.


According to Ruble Chandy, your past does not have to define your future. Your life is like a painting, and you are the artist. The first half of the painting may have already been painted, but the second half is blank, waiting for you to create it. If you let your past dictate your future, you will simply copy the first half of the painting onto the second half. However, if you take charge and become the painter of your life, you can create a beautiful and inspiring masterpiece.


To become the painter of your life, you must first sit down and think about what you really want for the rest of your life. What are your goals and aspirations? What do you need to do to achieve them? Do you need to learn new skills or acquire new knowledge? Once you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, you can create a plan to get there. This may involve reading books, watching videos, attending seminars, or seeking the guidance of a mentor or coach.

What If?

What if you continue to let your past dictate your future? What if you never take charge and become the painter of your life? The answer is simple. You will remain stuck in the same patterns and behaviors that have held you back in the past. You will continue to experience failure, rejection, and setbacks, and your life will not change. However, if you are willing to let go of the past and create a new vision for your future, you can achieve anything you desire.


In conclusion, Ruble Chandy’s message is clear: Your past should not determine your future. By becoming the painter of your life, you can create a beautiful and inspiring masterpiece that reflects your true desires and aspirations. To do this, you must be willing to let go of the past, create a new vision for your future, and take action to achieve your goals. Whether you are looking to start a business, improve your health, or create stronger relationships, the key is to focus on the present and take positive steps towards the future you desire. So take the first step today and become the painter of your life!

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How to Achieve your Business Goals in Adversity

Why You Shouldn’t Set Goals and What to Do Instead

Have you ever set a goal and failed to achieve it? Perhaps it was a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, but you ended up giving up on the diet after a few days. Or maybe you set a business goal but found yourself getting distracted and losing focus. If you can relate to these scenarios, you might be interested in Rubicon D’s approach to achieving success without setting goals.

What is Ruble chandy approach, and why should you consider it? In this blog, we will explore the reasoning behind his philosophy, how to apply it, and what might happen if you follow his advice.

Why You Shouldn’t Set Goals

According to Ruble chandy, setting goals can actually be counterproductive. When you set a goal, your mind focuses on the endpoint and may overlook the journey. Additionally, if you don’t achieve your goal, you may feel like a failure and lose motivation to continue. This cycle of setting goals and failing to achieve them can lead to frustration and confusion.

What to Do Instead

So if setting goals isn’t the answer, what should you do instead? Rubicon D suggests that you convert your goal into a question. This question should be phrased in a way that makes it enjoyable and something to look forward to. By doing this, your mind won’t focus on the endpoint but instead will focus on the journey.

Here’s an example: let’s say you want to lose 20 pounds. Instead of setting a goal to lose the weight by a specific date, you can convert it into a question such as, “How am I going to lose 20 pounds and enjoy the process?” This question focuses on the journey, making it enjoyable and something to look forward to.

How to Apply This Philosophy

To apply this philosophy, you need to reframe your mindset. Instead of focusing on the endpoint, focus on the journey. Ask yourself questions that will guide you through the journey, making it enjoyable and something to look forward to. By doing this, you won’t feel like a failure if you don’t achieve your goal. Instead, you’ll be motivated to continue the journey.

What If You Follow This Advice?

If you follow ruble chandy’s advice, you might find that you’re more successful in achieving your goals. By focusing on the journey, you’ll be more motivated and less likely to give up. You might also find that you enjoy the process of achieving your goals more than you did before.


In summary, ruble chandy suggests that setting goals can be counterproductive. Instead, you should convert your goal into a question that focuses on the journey. By doing this, you’ll be more motivated and less likely to give up if you don’t achieve your goal. If you’re struggling to achieve your goals, it might be worth giving this approach a try.

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What does Corona Virus Crisis Mean to You?

Why the Coronavirus Pandemic is an Invitation for Unity and Growth

What is the Coronavirus pandemic and how is it affecting us? Ruble Chandy, the best-selling author of “90 Days to Life” and the creator of “Accelerator Business Seminars,” talks about how we can manage this situation and transition through it much more smoothly than other people around us. In this blog, we will explore Chandy’s unique distinction on the pandemic and how we can manage it.

How are we affected by the pandemic?

The world is facing a major crisis due to the COVID-19 virus, and people are feeling uncertain, fearful, stressed, anxious, and depressed. However, Chandy offers a different perspective on the pandemic. He tells the story of a caterpillar that was happy and carefree, praying to God every day to keep it happy, healthy, and successful. However, one day, the caterpillar’s body started changing, and it experienced excruciating pain all over. Eventually, the caterpillar transformed into a butterfly.

Chandy uses this story to explain that we are like caterpillars right now, and the universe is telling us to be butterflies. This pandemic is an invitation for us to unite as a species, regardless of our differences in beliefs, culture, ethnicity, or color. It is a certified mail from the universe for us to be one and together. We need to sign and give it up to the universe.

What does the pandemic teach us?

Chandy emphasizes that this pandemic is an invitation for us to unite and become one as a species. We need to let go of our differences and come together to help and accelerate the growth of the world. All spiritual leaders and teachers emphasize the message of love, and that message is being amplified right now because the need for connection has grown astronomically.

While we are at home and unable to socialize, we have the opportunity to bond with our families in a good way. When the floodgates open again for us to connect with people, we can treat people with even more love and compassion.

What if we don’t accept this invitation?

Chandy believes that nature is going to get its way, whether we like it or not. If we cooperate with nature and accept the invitation to unite, we will become our own butterflies and transition into a new level of consciousness. However, if we do not accept this invitation, we will continue to feel uncertain, fearful, stressed, anxious, and depressed.


The Coronavirus pandemic is an invitation for us to unite and become one as a species. We need to let go of our differences and come together to help and accelerate the growth of the world. The virus does not know religion, culture, belief systems, color, or countries; it only knows humans. We need to become humans who unite and have the strongest immunity within our souls. Chandy believes that we will overcome this pandemic much sooner than we think if we accept this invitation.

In conclusion, Chandy’s perspective on the pandemic is unique and refreshing. He provides a new way of looking at the situation and shows us how we can manage it. We should take this opportunity to bond with our families, treat people with more love and compassion, and become one as a species. If we do this, we will overcome this pandemic and transition into a new level of consciousness.

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Are Women Going to Lead the New world?

Why Women Are The Leaders Of Tomorrow: A New Era Of Feminine Energy

Ruble Chandy, the international bestselling author of “90 Days of Life: Our Journey from Turmoil to Triumph,” is passionate about women being the leaders of tomorrow. While some may raise eyebrows when a man speaks about women, Ruble firmly believes that understanding this shift is crucial for businesses and individuals to succeed in the coming years.

What is the shift that Ruble is talking about? According to him, the world is moving from a masculine energy to a feminine LED energy. In the past, everything was about power, strength, and getting things done. However, now, caring is more important than power, and empathy is the key to successful marketing. The world is shifting to a model where people value relationships, and manipulation is no longer effective.

How did we get here? Ruble points out that the world has been built by men for men. From the earliest days of hunting and gathering to the Industrial Revolution, men have been the primary actors in shaping our culture and infrastructure. While women have entered the workforce in the last century, the infrastructure has not adapted to their needs. For instance, many corporations do not have a room for breastfeeding mothers.

However, Ruble believes that women are taking things to the next level. Even from an evolutionary standpoint, women are a refined species, as they were created from the backbone of Adam. They are shaping the way we think, and the world is shifting to a feminine energy of caring, empathy, passion, and love.

What If Ruble is right? What if we do see a shift towards feminine energy in the coming years? How can we prepare for this change? For individuals, this means identifying and aligning with their feminine strengths. Everyone has a feminine and masculine side, and recognizing and leveraging those strengths is crucial for success in the future.

For businesses, this means shifting their focus from manipulation to empathy. Selling is no longer about tricking people into buying products they don’t need, but about genuinely caring for the customer’s needs. Companies that recognize this shift and adapt accordingly will be the ones that thrive in the coming years.

Summary: Ruble Chandy is passionate about women being the leaders of tomorrow, and he believes that the world is moving towards a feminine energy of caring, empathy, passion, and love. While men have shaped our culture and infrastructure, Ruble argues that women are taking things to the next level, and the world is shifting away from a focus on power and strength. Individuals and businesses that recognize this shift and align with their feminine strengths will be the ones that succeed in the future.

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How to Achieve Your GOALS Faster

Why Setting Goals Doesn’t Work: The Power of Questions

Have you ever set a goal but failed to achieve it? Maybe you’ve set multiple goals, visualized them, and put them on your mission board, but still couldn’t reach your dreams. If that’s the case, Ruble Chandy, an international best-selling author of “90 days of life: our journey from turmoil to triumph,” has a fascinating and controversial topic to discuss: don’t set goals; they don’t work.

Why don’t goals work? According to Chandy, the language of the goal is the language of the mind. The mind is always thinking, even a hundred years ago. But today, with all the distractions and pressure from different directions, the mind doesn’t activate anymore, making it difficult for goals to work. Instead, Chandy suggests going deeper and finding out what you want to achieve, creating a question out of it.

How can you create a question out of your goal? Chandy believes that questions are the language of the soul. They connect you to your soul and guide you to the answers you need. For example, instead of saying, “I want to create a ten-figure business,” create a question out of it, such as “How am I going to create a ten-figure business by 2025?” Write the question down and talk to your soul, and the soul will start answering the question.

Chandy acknowledges that at first, your mind will start answering the question negatively, but your soul will eventually take over, and you’ll find answers that you never thought were possible. So, instead of setting goals, ask yourself questions and allow your soul to guide you.

What if you don’t follow Chandy’s advice and continue setting goals instead of questions? The result may be similar to what you’ve experienced before: setting goals, but not achieving them. You might also feel frustrated and demotivated, thinking that you’re not good enough or not working hard enough.

In summary, Ruble Chandy suggests that setting goals doesn’t work because the language of the goal is the language of the mind, which doesn’t activate anymore due to distractions and pressure from different directions. Instead, he suggests going deeper and creating questions out of your goals, allowing your soul to guide you to the answers you need. While this might be a controversial topic, it’s worth a try if you’ve been struggling with achieving your goals. Remember, questions are the language of the soul, and your soul has the answers you need.

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Fear : How FEAR is Destroying your Business Success

Why Fear is Shaped Differently in Eastern and Western Societies

Fear is a primal human emotion that can be caused by real or perceived threats. However, what is perceived as a threat may differ from one person to another and even more so from one society to another. In this blog post, we will explore the differences in how fear is shaped in Eastern and Western societies, why this is the case, and how we can overcome these fears.

What is Fear?

Before diving into how fear is shaped differently in Eastern and Western societies, let us define what fear is. Fear is a natural human emotion that occurs when we perceive a threat, whether real or imagined. It can trigger our “fight or flight” response, causing us to take action to protect ourselves. Fear can be helpful in some situations, but it can also be debilitating, especially if it is excessive or irrational.

Why is Fear Shaped Differently in Eastern and Western Societies?

The author of this blog post, Libby Charlie, discusses how fear is shaped differently in Eastern and Western societies based on her personal experiences. She spent the first quarter-century of her life in an Eastern society, specifically in the state of Kerala in India, before moving to the United States. According to Charlie, Eastern societies are “cluster societies,” meaning people are interdependent and rely on each other for everything. In such societies, there is a baseline energy that everyone can calibrate from, which means that everyone supports each other. However, this also means that the fear of rejection is a big issue, as if one person rejects you, the entire system rejects you. Fear of failure is not a big issue because people do not attempt too much, but if they succeed, everyone recognizes them, and they rise in social status.

On the other hand, Western societies are individualistic, meaning that people are more independent and self-reliant. In such societies, people have more freedom to pursue their goals and aspirations, but this also means that they bear the burden of their success or failure. Fear of failure is a big issue in Western societies because people are more likely to attempt more, and if they fail, they are seen as less successful, which can lead to social rejection.

How Can We Overcome Our Fears?

Overcoming our fears is essential to achieving our goals and living fulfilling lives. Charlie notes that if we do not know how to handle our fear, we will be controlled by it, and our minds will act from our lower selves. However, if we have clarity and can overcome our fears, we can achieve anything we want to try to achieve.

The first step to overcoming our fears is to become aware of them. We need to identify what is causing our fear and how it is affecting our lives. Once we have identified our fears, we need to challenge them. We need to question whether our fears are rational or irrational and whether they are helping or hindering us. We need to face our fears and take action to overcome them, whether that means seeking professional help or taking small steps towards our goals.

What If We Cannot Overcome Our Fears?

While overcoming our fears is essential, it is not always possible. Some fears may be deeply ingrained in our psyche, and we may need professional help to overcome them. In such cases, we should not be ashamed to seek help. It is essential to remember that everyone has fears, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.


In conclusion, fear is a natural human emotion that can be caused by real or perceived threats. However, what is perceived as a threat may differ from one person to another and even more so from one society to another. Eastern societies are cluster societies, meaning people are interdependent and rely on each other for everything. In such societies

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Should I Share My BIG Business Goals to others?

Why You Should Dream Big and Share Your Dreams with Others

Dreaming big is something that we often talk about, but not everyone understands the importance of it. It’s easy to settle for what we have and not reach for something bigger, but as Ruble Chandy, the bestselling author and creator of accelerator business seminars, points out, we should always dream big, no matter what it is that we want to achieve.


Ruble Chandy shares his thoughts on the importance of dreaming big and sharing those dreams with others. He gives examples of people like Neil Armstrong and Elon Musk, who dreamt big and achieved great things. Ruble Chandy stresses that we should not let fear hold us back from dreaming big and achieving our goals.


Dreaming big can be challenging, especially when we feel like we don’t have the resources or support to make it happen. But Ruble Chandy suggests that the first step is to identify what our highest dream is, and then go for it. It doesn’t matter if it’s starting a business or improving our health; we should aim for what seems impossible to us.

Once we have identified our big dream, we should share it with others. However, Ruble Chandy advises us to share it only with those who see us bigger than ourselves. These are the people who will encourage us and support us on our journey towards achieving our goals.

What If?

What if we don’t dream big? We might find ourselves settling for a life that is less fulfilling than what we could have had. We might feel stuck in a job that we don’t like, or we might miss out on opportunities to grow and improve ourselves.

What if we share our big dreams with the wrong people? We might find ourselves discouraged by their negativity and feel like we can’t achieve our goals. We might even give up on our dreams altogether.


Dreaming big is essential for achieving our goals and living a fulfilling life. It’s important to identify our highest dream and aim for it, even if it seems impossible at first. Sharing our big dreams with others can help us get the support and encouragement we need to make them a reality. However, we should be careful to share our dreams only with those who see us bigger than ourselves, and who will support us on our journey towards achieving our goals.

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Back Up Plans Are Dangerous For Your Business

Why Backup Plans are Dangerous for Your Business

As an entrepreneur, you are likely familiar with the idea of having a backup plan. It is a plan that you fall back on in case your original plan does not work out. While this may seem like a prudent thing to do, it can actually be dangerous for your business in the long run.

In this blog post, we will explore why backup plans are dangerous for your business, and what you can do instead to increase your chances of success.

What is a Backup Plan?

A backup plan is a plan that you create in case your primary plan does not work out. It is a safety net that gives you an alternative course of action if things go wrong. For example, if your business plan is to launch a new product, your backup plan might be to focus on marketing an existing product if the new product does not sell as well as you had hoped.

Why Are Backup Plans Dangerous?

While having a backup plan might seem like a good idea, it can actually be dangerous for your business. Here are some reasons why:

Backup Plans Compromise Plan A
When you have a backup plan, you are essentially compromising on your primary plan. You are not fully committed to it, and you are not giving it your all. This can lead to a lack of focus, which can in turn lead to suboptimal results.

Backup Plans Can Lead to Indecision
When you have a backup plan, you may find yourself in a state of indecision. You may be hesitant to fully commit to your primary plan, and you may find yourself second-guessing your decisions. This can lead to a lack of confidence, which can be detrimental to your business.

Backup Plans Can Hinder Creativity
When you have a backup plan, you may be less likely to take risks and try new things. This can stifle creativity and innovation, which are crucial to the success of any business.

What Can You Do Instead?

So, if backup plans are not the way to go, what can you do instead to increase your chances of success? Here are some ideas:

Believe in Your Plan A
The key to success is to believe in your primary plan. You need to be fully committed to it, and you need to give it your all. If you believe in your plan A, you will be more likely to achieve your goals.

Have Contingency Strategies
While you should believe in your plan A, it is also a good idea to have contingency strategies in place. These are strategies that you can implement if things do not go as planned. However, these strategies should not compromise your primary plan.

Be Prepared to Pivot
Finally, it is important to be prepared to pivot if necessary. If your primary plan is not working, you may need to pivot and try something new. However, this should not be seen as a backup plan. Instead, it should be seen as a natural part of the entrepreneurial process.

What If?

What if you are not seeing the results you had hoped for with your primary plan? Should you immediately pivot to your backup plan? Not necessarily. Instead, you should reevaluate your primary plan and see if there are any changes you can make to improve your chances of success. If after making these changes, you are still not seeing the results you had hoped for, it may be time to pivot.


While having a backup plan may seem like a good idea, it can actually be dangerous for your business. It can compromise your primary plan, lead to indecision, and hinder creativity. Instead, you should believe in your primary plan, have contingency strategies in place, and be prepared to pivot if necessary. By doing so, you will increase your chances of success and be well

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Power Of Compounding Focus

Why Focusing on One Thing is the Key to Success

Do you remember when you were 15? What did you dream of? What was your passion? Rubel Chandy, an international best-selling author and creator of Accelerator Business Seminars, talks about the power of focusing on one thing for 50 years, from age 15 to 65, and how it can significantly impact your life.

What is the power of compounding focus? It is dedicating your life to one thing that you are passionate about, that creates an income, and that you are proficient at. Compounding interest is known as a miracle, but focusing on one thing for a long time is even more significant. The story of Bill Gates, Jerry Seinfeld, Dave Chappelle, and every successful person on this planet is about dedicating their lives to something they are passionate about, which then led to their success.

How can you apply the power of compounding focus in your life? It is never too late to find your passion and dedicate your life to it. Start by finding something you are passionate about that can generate income and create a positive impact on the world. Once you find that, dedicate yourself to it, focus on it, and become a master at it. Your destiny will be altered. Take action and go in that direction.

Living in this post-modern world with access to information and technology, you have a unique opportunity to create a big impact in the world. Will you take advantage of it? Will you focus on one thing, specialize in it, become an expert, and a thought leader in that space?

Chandy himself is an example of what focusing on one thing can achieve. It took him 25 years to get where he is now, dedicating every moment of his waking hours to learning human psychology, neurology, entrepreneurship, and focusing on them.

What if you do not see the immediate results of your efforts? Chandy uses an analogy of a lotus in a big pond. In the beginning, it may seem like nothing is happening, but with small efforts and small results, you can reach a point where the same effort will lead to better results. Keep pushing forward, and you will see results stacking up for you.

What if you do not know your passion? It is never too late to find it. The first step is to start exploring different areas of interest. Read books, attend seminars, or take courses in different subjects. Ask yourself, “What would I do for free?” or “What do I enjoy doing?” Once you find your passion, dedicate your life to it, and you will find success.

In conclusion, the power of compounding focus is the key to success. Dedicate your life to something you are passionate about, something that generates income, and creates a positive impact on the world. Focus on it, become a master at it, and become a thought leader in that space. Even if you do not see immediate results, keep pushing forward. Remember, small results with small efforts will eventually lead to better results. Find your passion and make it your life’s work.