A Perfectionist is chasing an illusion it doesn't exist in business

Ruble Chandy
Do you have it in you to lead your business into the future? Do you have the confidence to take your business forward? How can you become an extremely confident and successful business leader?
If entrepreneurs are not highly confident, they will not be able to fully achieve the success they dream of.
To understand confidence, we must first understand ‘fear’.
Though fear shows itself in different forms across individuals, the basic underlying message of all fears is: ‘I am not enough!’ Fear of failure, fear of rejection…all our fears are born from this basic feeling of not being good enough.
So how can you build unshakable confidence that is vital to succeeding in business?
Lack of confidence is essentially the feeling that I am not enough.
The first step to building confidence is to start taking action. Those who wait to gain confidence before taking action might never become confident.
The next step is to set ourselves free from the prison of judgment. Watch this video to understand how you can implement intelligent actions to build confidence and accelerate your business starting today.
A Perfectionist is chasing an illusion it doesn't exist in business
Ruble Chandy