How To Avoid “Failure by Habit Resistance” in Business

Why We Are Human Habits, Not Human Beings

Most people believe they are human beings, but what if I told you that we are actually human habits? It might sound strange at first, but by the end of this blog, you’ll understand why this perspective is essential for reducing stress, embracing change, and optimizing your life and business.

What Are Human Habits?

Let’s dive deeper into this concept. Human habits encompass both our positive and negative behaviors. They dictate our actions and reactions in various situations. Just like good habits can lead to success, bad habits can hinder progress.

The main reason we cling to these habits is twofold: the fear of the unknown and foolish consistency. We tend to stick with what’s familiar and comfortable, even if it doesn’t serve us well. It’s like always using a hammer because you’re good at it and seeing everything as a nail. This pattern of thinking becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, limiting our potential.

How to Overcome Habit Resistance

Now that we understand the concept of habit resistance, let’s explore ways to overcome it. Change is inevitable, and adapting to it is crucial for survival in both life and business. Here are some strategies to manage habit resistance effectively:

  1. Change Gradually: Just as a rocket needs time to break free from Earth’s gravitational pull, introduce changes slowly. Your team and yourself need time to adapt to new habits.
  2. Communicate Early: Give your team ample notice of upcoming changes. Over-communication is key to reducing fear of the unknown.
  3. Listen to Fear: Instead of fighting fear, listen to it. Understand what it’s trying to tell you. Fear often holds valuable insights that can guide your decisions.
  4. Celebrate Progress: When you make even small steps toward change, celebrate it. Acknowledging the benefits of change can motivate both you and your team.
  5. Embrace Change as a Sales Job: Change management is like selling yourself on the idea of change. Convince yourself and your team that it’s the right path forward.

What If We Stacked Habits?

Now, let’s talk about stacking habits. Just as you can stack bad habits that limit you, you can stack good habits to boost your life and business. Consider this: if you have a positive habit like meditation, you can stack it with another good habit, like exercise or mindfulness.

By doing this, you create a cluster of habits, a “super habit” that elevates your life. You gradually add to it, making incremental improvements that lead to significant changes over time.

On the flip side, if you’re dealing with a cluster of negative habits, start by reducing one at a time. Take small steps to break free from their hold. Gradually, you’ll replace these detrimental habits with positive ones, and you’ll become a human being separate from your habits.


In conclusion, we are indeed human habits, but that doesn’t mean we’re stuck with our current behaviors. By understanding habit resistance, embracing change, and using strategies like gradual change, over-communication, and listening to fear, we can break free from limiting habits and stack positive ones to become the best version of ourselves.

So, the next time you feel resistance to change or find yourself trapped in bad habits, remember that you have the power to adapt and grow. Embrace change as a salesperson of your own potential, and watch as you transform into a better human being—one habit at a time.

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  • A Perfectionist is chasing an illusion it doesn't exist in business

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