We know it is hard to accelerate your business, profit, and income in uncertain economic times. In addition to that for most people, their biggest enemy is their own past. Their past rejections and failures that we are trying to push away. When you overcome your past and align yourself to your goals your business is ready for the next step.
The next step is to stop being an operator and become the owner of your business and start creating real wealth. This is where you need to heal any wealth wounds you may have from your past. Then you need to become a world-class persuader so that you can drive your business forward fast. Finally, you need to master innovation and productivity so that you can double your profit. Accelerator™ helps you do all that.
In the 12 Weeks Business Accelerator Experience, you will learn the strategies used by millions of successful companies all over the world to accelerate their growth, breakthrough any unconscious blocks you have about money, world class marketing mindsets. You will also master strategies of the ultra-successful including how to innovate and perform like Billionaire icons Steve Jobs and Elon Musk.
This training is done by a group of real businessmen and women from the United States and Canada. We have a #1 International Bestselling Author, a Silicone Valley CEO, multiple Guinness world record holder, one of the top 5 sales trainers in the world who grew Tony Robbins coaching companies to 50X, coaches who have helped Oscar-winning actors and we have seven-time best selling authors including Chicken soup for soul series. We have seen it all and we are ready to play with you to scale.
Our moonshot goal is to help 10,000 small businesses to scale to $1M+, 1000 businesses scale up to $10M+, 100 Businesses to Scale Up to $100M+ and 10 Business to $1B+ in the next 10 years.
For every business we help scale, we are investing in a child in a third world country who cannot afford their basic education to help the world become a better place. We also teach a few of these kids entrepreneurship so they themselves can grow and give back to the global community.
Would you want to be part of this movement? What is your BIG audacious goal for the next 10 years?