3 Steps to Double Your Sales This Year



Ever heard the saying, “You’ve got two ears and one mouth, use them proportionately”? Well, it turns out this old adage holds more truth in the world of sales than we might think. Let’s dive into a fascinating story from the trenches of direct sales, where the simple act of listening transformed an underdog salesman’s luck, offering us profound insights into the art of persuasion.

What Happened?

Meet Matthew, a passionate direct salesman from Bangalore, India, who faced a daunting challenge. Despite his enthusiasm and adherence to sales protocols, Matthew found himself unable to sell $2 discount coupons for pizza. It seemed that no matter how much he talked and explained, people just weren’t buying.

Then, one day, Matthew encountered a man who had been left by his partner. Instead of diving into his usual sales pitch, Matthew chose to simply listen to the man’s woes for about 20 minutes. Without even getting a chance to discuss his product, the conversation ended with the man inquiring about what Matthew was selling and immediately buying two coupons. This was Matthew’s first sale, and it dawned on him that the key to sales wasn’t talking people into buying but listening them into it.

How Does This Apply to Persuasion?

Matthew’s story encapsulates the essence of the new ABCs of persuasion: Connect, Inspire, and Convert. Here’s how it breaks down:

  1. Connect: Building rapport is crucial. Listening sincerely to potential clients not only builds trust but also lays the foundation for a deeper connection. Techniques like mirroring their speech patterns, tone, and body language can enhance this connection, but the core is genuine empathy and understanding.
  2. Inspire: Once a connection is established, it’s about inspiring the potential customer. This involves understanding and addressing their pain points, fears, and aspirations. By asking the right questions and showcasing how your product or service can solve their problems or help them achieve their goals, you’re lighting the path towards a solution.
  3. Convert: The final step is conversion, where the aim is to inspire action. This doesn’t necessarily mean making a sale then and there but moving the conversation towards a commitment, be it scheduling a follow-up call or another small action step.

What If We Applied These Lessons Broadly?

Imagine the impact on your sales results if you shifted the focus from talking to listening. By genuinely connecting with clients and understanding their needs and concerns, you’re not only more likely to close a sale but also build lasting relationships that lead to repeat business and referrals. The power of persuasion lies not in how well you talk but in how well you listen and respond to your clients’ needs.


Matthew’s transformation from a struggling salesman to a successful persuader highlights a fundamental shift in sales tactics. The key takeaway? Sales, at its core, is about building relationships, understanding needs, and offering solutions. The next time you find yourself in a sales situation, remember Matthew’s story. Embrace the power of listening, and watch your sales conversations transform. After all, in the realm of persuasion, your ears might just be your most valuable asset.


Click Here to Watch the Video: https://youtu.be/DjLASEtcN1Q

Thoughtful Quotes:

  • A Perfectionist is chasing an illusion it doesn't exist in business

    quote image

    Ruble Chandy

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